Now seen in

lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

January 4th Solar Eclipse

Today I will address an interesting topic that presents us with some frequency, which are the solar eclipses. Este 4 de enero tendremos un eclipse solar y si usamos su influencia correctamente, podemos evitarnos muchos dolores de cabeza y muchos probables eventos vaticinados en la letra del año con la repetición de Eyiogbe. On January 4th we had a solar eclipse and if we use its influence properly, we can avoid many headaches and many likely events foretold in the letter of the year by repeating Eyiogbe.

En la astrología el espacio se divide en 12 casas o signos. In astrology the space is divided into 12 houses or signs. Este tema de las casas es motivo de libros enteros, pero lo importante es que dichas casas corresponden a diferentes aspectos de la vida de las personas, así tenemos que las casas hablan de: This theme of the houses is a matter of entire books, but the important thing is that these houses correspond to different aspects of people's lives ,this houses talk about:

    • Casas 1-7: Yo-Los otros Houses 1-7: Myself -The Others
    • Casas 2-8: Mis Posesiones- Las posesiones de otros Houses 2-8: My near - The far environment
    • Casas 4-10: Vida privada-Vida Pública Houses 4-10: Private Life - Public Life
    • Casas 5-11: Proyectos Personales-Proyectos Sociales Houses 5-11: Personal Porjects - Social Projects
    • Casas 6-12: Trabajo y salud- Servicio y Enfermedades Houses 6-12: Work and health - Service and Diseases

Las 12 casas o signos están representados cada una por un signo zodiacal. The 12 houses or signs are represented each by a zodiac sign.

Otro dato importante es que los planetas cercanos al sol influyen en nosotros como personas, mientras que los mas alejados influyen en un nivel mas grupal o social. Another important fact is that planets near the sun affect us as individuals, while those farther away had more influence on us as a group or social level. Cada planeta con sus energías influye en nosotros de diferente manera dependiendo de la casa donde se encuentre en un momento dado. Each planet with its energy affects us differently depending on the house where you are at any given time.

Por lógica, cuando la luna y le sol están en casas o signos contrarios es cuando se produce el eclipse de luna, pero cuando están en la misma casa o signo es cuando Logically, when the moon and sun are in opposite signs or homes is when the eclipse of the moon, but when in the same house or sign is when eclipse solar eclipse occurs.


It is important to note that the eclipses of sun or moon act differently on a personal level. Los Eclipses de Sol producen mayor toma de conciencia en los cambios que producen, con el sol habla la mente la consciencia. Eclipses of the Sun produce increased awareness of the changes that occur, the sun speaks about the mind consciousness. Los de Luna se manifiestan en una forma más sutil a nivel emocional e inconsciente, a nivel del sentir. The Moon is manifested in a more subtle emotional and unconscious level, a level of feeling.

Por tanto, el Eclipse Lunar pasado nos presentó la oportunidad de analizar emociones y sentimientos, de despojarnos de la "basura" emocional. Therefore, the last Lunar Eclipse presented us the opportunity to discuss emotions and feelings, to cast off the emotional "junk". Ahora el Eclipse de Sol nos abre la oportunidad de actuar a partir de nuestros pensamientos e intenciones. Now the Eclipse of the Sun gives us the opportunity to act on our thoughts and intentions.

image Hay quienes sostienen que en la antiguedad muchos pueblos creían que un eclipse se producía cuando un dragón gigantesco se estaba tragando el Sol o la Luna. Some argue that in ancient times many people believed that an eclipse occurred when a giant dragon was swallowing the sun or the moon. Como el Sol y la Luna son imprescindibles para la vida, la gente salía a ahuyentar a tan monstruosos animales, lanzando flechas, profiriendo gritos y haciendo ruidos de todo tipo. As the Sun and Moon are essential for life, people came out to chase so monstrous animals, shooting arrows, uttering cries and making noises of all kinds. Cuando a los pocos minutos el Sol volvía a brillar o la Luna resplandecía de nuevo, se consideraban vencedores: el animal había huido. When a few minutes later the sun become shining or the moon shone again the animal had escaped. o por el contrario creo que los antiguos sabían perfectamente los efectos del sol y la luna y que se preparaban para los eclipses, de manera que dependiendo de las circustancias que los acompañaban hacían diferentes rituales o acciones para usar la influencia benéfica de un eclipse y para evitar los aspectos negativos del mismo. Others believe that the ancients knew well the effects of the sun and the moon and how to be prepared for the eclipse, so that depending on the circumstances they accomplished various rituals or actions made to use the beneficial influence of an eclipse and avoid the negative aspects of it.

A pesar de la belleza de los eclipses, muchos les atribuyen, sobre todo a los solares efectos o fenómenos negativos como hambrunas, epidemias, muertes de reyes, etc. Despite the beauty of the eclipse, many get aware mainly to solar effects or adverse events such as famines, epidemics, deaths of kings, etc.
Pero, al estudiar exhaustivamente los eclipses se comprueba que no todos tienen dichos efectos maléficos en las comunidades. But studying the eclipses thorough the years had shown not everyone has such evil effects in communities. Algunos parecen actuar muy benéficamente para los humanos. Some appear to act very beneficial to humans. Según cuenta Herodoto, el 28 de mayo del año 585 aC un eclipse de sol provocó la tregua entre medos y litios, cuya guerra duraba cinco años. According to Herodotus tales on 28 May in the year 585 BC a solar eclipse caused the truce between the Medos and Lithious whose war lasted five years. En pleno fragor de la batalla, se hizo de noche en pleno día, algo que obligó a los contendientes a abandonar la lucha. In the heat of battle, it was dark in broad daylight, something that forced the combatants to abandon the struggle.

Un ejemplo mas reciente que lo anterior se dió en la Guerra del Golfo: A more recent example was given above in the Gulf War:

El día 6 de agosto de 1990 de produjo un eclipse de luna en Leo. On 6 August 1990 was a lunar eclipse in Leo. El día 2 previo al eclipse Irak había invadido Kuwait.Las tropas aliadas se aglutinaban en la zona y la tensión iba en aumento. On day 2 after eclipse Iraq had invaded Kuwait. The agglutinated Allied troops in the area and tension was mounting. Irak recibió un ultimátum por parte de la ONU: o retiraba sus tropas de Kuwait o sufriría las consecuencias. Iraq received an ultimatum by the UN: either withdraw its troops from Kuwait or suffer the consequences. Al final el día 17 de enero de 1991 los aliados tomaron Kuwait y unas horas después de que se produjo un Eclipse Total de Sol. De manera que los dos momentos más decisivos del conflicto del Golfo, fueron puntualmente señalados por eclipses: el de Luna de primeros de agosto de 1990 y el de Sol de mitad de enero de 1991. At the end of the day January 17, 1991 the Allies took Kuwait and a few hours after a total solar eclipse happened. So the two most defining moments of the Gulf conflict, were promptly identified by eclipses: the Moon early August 1990 and the solar on mid January 1991.

Las energías cambian, los momentos y circustancias también, por tanto lo que sucede con un eclipse de luna o sol en un momento específico no puede ser generalizado. The energy change, times and circumstances too; so what happens to an eclipse of the moon or sun at a specific time can not be generalized.

También se cree que en los lugares donde se proyecta la 'sombra' de un eclipse solar son lugares geográficos donde con mayor impacto se manifiesta el efecto que pueda tener. It is also believed that in places where it is projected the 'shadow' of a solar eclipse are geographical locations where the greatest impact manifests if an effect may happen. Siendo el sol fuente de vida y nuevamente recordando que el sol afecta a la mente y el 'hacer', es lógico suponer que por donde pasa la sombra del eclipse, se pueden dar fenómenos adversos a la mente y la consciencia. The sun is the source of life and again remembering that the sun affects the mind and the 'doing', it is conceivable that through which the shadow of the eclipse, adverse events can occur to the mind and consciousness.

Este año como el anterior, la profecía (eyiogbe) habla de CAMBIOS Y TRANSFORMACIONES, por tanto en estas dos ocasiones (eclipse lunar pasado y eclipse solar del 4 de enero) el obstáculo a vencer se llama: RESISTENCIA AL CAMBIO Y EL DOBLE LENGUAJE. This year as before, the prophecy (Eyiogbe) speaks of change and transformation, so in these two occasions (last lunar eclipse and solar eclipse of January 4) the obstacle to overcome is called: resistance to change and double meanings.

Tomando en cuenta esto, aqui les comparto el comunicado del maestro Walter Anliker: Given this, here I agree with the statement of the teacher Walter Anliker (Astrologist):

"....El día 4 de enero de 2011 habrá un eclipse solar parcial. (carta 1) Sol y Luna estarán en el grado 13 de Capricornio, haciendo una cuadratura a su dispositor Saturno en Libra. Esto puede señalar, en términos generales, restricciones y escasez, la famosa cuesta de enero, esta vez no solo para México, sino para todo el planeta. ".... On January 4th, 2011 there will be a partial solar eclipse. (Chart 1) Sun and Moon are at 13 degree Capricorn, making a square to Saturn in Libra dispositor. This may indicate, in general terms, restrictions and shortages, the famous hill of January, this time not only for Mexico but for the entire planet.

Carta 1 Chart 1


(EU, Venezuela y el Dalai Lama tienen el Sol en 13° de Cáncer, Hugo Chávez tiene en este grado los Nodos Lunares, Luna, Júpiter y Mercurio. Durante todo el 2011, habrá mucha tensión planetaria en este grado como se va ver también en otros horóscopos del año(U.S., Venezuela and the Dalai Lama has the Sun in 13 ° Cancer, Hugo Chávez has in this Grade Lunar Nodes, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury. Throughout 2011, there will be much tension in this grade as a planet will also see horoscopes other year.)

Plutón en tránsito posteriormente hará conjunción a este grado del eclipse, esto va ser el 14 de enero de 2015, cuando se activarán otra vez los temas de este eclipse. Then transiting Pluto will conjunct this degree of eclipse, this will be the January 14, 2015, when activated again the themes of this eclipse.
El aspecto de Venus en cuadratura a Neptuno ya es muy exacto y puede anunciar problemas económicos serios y/o una devaluación escondída, lo que vamos a percibir es que se van aumentar muchos precios de productos básicos y el petróleo. The appearance of Venus square Neptune and is very accurate and may herald serious economic problems and / or a hidden devaluation, what we see is that will start an increase on prices of many commodities and oil. El EURO y el Dólar están bajo fuerte presión. The Euro and the dollar are under pressure. La combinación Venus/Neptuno puede indicar también conspiraciones en el plano diplomático. The combination Venus / Neptune can also indicate conspiracies at the diplomatic level.

El año inicia con la última de tres conjunciones entre Júpiter y Urano, la primera se dio en 0° de Aries y las otras dos a finales de Piscis. The year begins with the last of three conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus, the first was in 0 degrees of Aries and the other two at the end of Pisces.
Esta conjunción en general favorece políticamente a la derecha ya los empresarios, en consecuencia debilita a la izquierda, especialmente en America Latina (Cuba y Venezuela). This combination generally favors the right politically and entrepreneurs, thus weakening the left, especially in Latin America (Cuba and Venezuela).

Por otro lado esta conjunción es significativa para inventos nuevos, especialmente en tecnología y aviación. On the other hand, this conjunction is significant for new inventions, especially in technology and aviation. Estamos, como lo anunció hace unas semanas mi colega, el astrólogo español Vicente Cassanya, al inicio de la “2° era espacial”, con vuelos espaciales comerciales y no estatales. As announced a few weeks ago my colleague, Vincent Cassany Spanish astrologer, with the beginning of the "2nd space era", with commercial space flight and non-state.
Richard Branson dueño de la empresa “Virgin Galactic” ofrece vuelos espaciales y suborbitales desde su pista en New Mexico. Richard Branson who owns the company "Virgin Galactic" is offering suborbital space flights from its track in New Mexico. Por 144.000 Euros se puede experimentar unos minutos de ingravidez, - la cantante Madonna ya se ha comprado un boleto. For 144,000 Euros you can experience several minutes of weightlessness - Madonna has already bought a ticket.

Con mucha exactitud se manifestó el simbolismo planetario, recordando que con la misma conjunción, en 1969 el hombre pisó la primera vez la Luna. Very accurately expressed the planetary symbolism, recalling that the same conjunction, in 1969 the first man landed on the moon.

27 de diciembre 2010, en México DF...." December 27, 2010, in Mexico City ...."


Regresando al tema de la resistencia al cambio. Returning to the theme of resistance to change. La escasez y falta de recursos, en parte se debe a un incremento importante de consumo, muchas ocasiones de bienes y servicios superfluos. The shortage and lack of resources, in part due to a significant increase in consumption, often of unnecessary goods and services. Quién se excede en gastos tendrá problemas todo el año. Who has exceeded expenditures might have problems all year. Recordemos que en Eyiogbe: Recalling Eyiogbe:

De igual manera que en el 2010, una de las principales características energético-espirituales que enmarca este año 2011 es el fenómeno del lo 'doble'. Just as in 2010, a major energy-spiritual characteristics that frames this year 2011 is the phenomenon of the 'double'. Esto tiene una implicación simple pero a la vez compleja. This has an implication simple yet complex. Todo lo que sucede o lo que nos puede suceder, tiene un doble significado. Everything that happens or what might happen, has a dual meaning. Esto también puede ser interpretado por un 'doble sentido', y lo crucial de este doble sentido, de la doble intención, del lenguaje doble, es que por lo general SE CONTRAPONEN. This can also be interpreted by a 'double sense', and the touchstone of this double meaning, double meanings, double language, that generally are opposed. Osea que se puede hablar en un sentido, pretendiendo otro, o uno puede escuchar un discurso y entenderlo de una manera diferente a la que tiene el orador, suena esto familiar?. So someone that can speak in a sense, might mean another, or someone can hear and understand a speech in a different manner from what it is, does this sound familiar?. Habrá quién piense: "bueno, eso sucede siempre en la política" (y en muchos sentidos), pero de lo que hablamos ahora es de lo que tenemos que hacer para evitar caer en la tentación de entender lo contrario o de hacer lo contrario a lo que nos pueda alinear con los cambios. Whether one might think, "well, that always happens in politics" (and in many ways), but we talk about is to pay special attention of what we must do to avoid falling into the temptation of understand or otherwise do the opposite of what we should do to align correctly with the changes.

Mucho OJO, en México hay la percepción de que el gobierno pueda 'gastar de mas' por el AÑO DE HIDALGO, sin embargo en este aspecto se puede producir el LENGUAJE DOBLE, donde por un lado se busque reactivar la economía pero por otro las empresas solo usen los recursos para acumular y no producir. ATTENTION, in Mexico there is a perception that government can 'spend more' for the year of Hidalgo (traditionally the 5th presidential year become of an increase in expenses from goverment), but in this aspect can happen dual language where one side is looking to revive the economy but for other companies just use the resources to accumulate and not producing. habrán otras instancias donde efectivamente no haya mucho que gastar. actually there will be other instances where there is not much to spend.

Así Eyiogbe (que matemáticamente se representa con un doble ocho: 8-8) habla de dos grandes influencias que rigen con su poder a los seres humanos, y así como existe el día y la noche, astralmente hablando se trata del sol (Olorun) y la luna (ashupua).Uno de los muchos ejemplos entre yin-yang; por eso uno no debe de sorprenderse que durante este año pasemos de días de gran actividad a días totalmente improductivos. So Eyiogbe (which mathematically is represented by a double eight: 8-8) speaks of two major influences governing its power to human beings, as there is day and night, or like the astral sun (Olorun) and the moon (ashupua), etc. One of many examples of yin-yang, which is why one should not wonder that this year we will go from day to day high activity to totally unproductive one. Esto mismo puede suceder entre diferentes semanas o meses e incluso entre un semestre y otro. The same can happen between different weeks or months or even between a half year and another. Ahora bien, la clave para no perder el camino correcto o la dirección correcta de nuestro andar por el 2011 es evitar tres distractores o enemigos: However, the key to not lose the right path or the right direction of our walk by 2011 is to avoid three distractors or enemies:

1.-La ostentación y el culto a la personalidad 1.-The glitz and the cult of personality

2.-Las mujeres 2.-Women

3.-El dinero 3.-Money

Ups!... Oops! ... Estas tres situaciones, son la base de lo que la mayoría busca día a día. These three situations are the basis of what most people look for every day. Manejar un mejor carro, tener ropa cara o cualquier aditamento que haga parecer que tenemos o poseemos mas de lo que en realidad hemos logrado. Drive a better car, expensive clothes or have any attachment that makes it seem that we have or possess more than what we actually achieved. Buscar el reconocimiento o la reafirmación de cualquier situación psico-fisiológica en el sexo opuesto y por supuesto acumular dinero y riqueza solo por el hecho de hacerlo. Seek recognition or reaffirmation of any psycho-physiological status in the opposite sex and of course hoard money and wealth just for the heck of it. Estos tres elementos son precisamente los que pueden ser factores clave en la toma de desiciones de miles de personas por donde el eclipse pasara su sombra e influenciar la consciencia y toma de decisiones de manera errónea. These three elements are precisely those that may be key factors in the decision making of thousands of people where the eclipse passed its shadow and influence and decision-making consciousness incorrectly. Preveo gran crisis económica en países de Europa, Medio Oriente y Asia, que pueden tensar las relaciones diplomáticas y un estallido social. I expect great economic and political crisis in countries in Europe, Middle East and Asia, which may strain diplomatic relations and social upheaval.

Así como hay tres distractores o enemigos, también hay tres aditivos o elementos amigos: On the orther hand at the same time we have three distractors or enemies, there are three additives or friend elements

1.- Agua 1 .- Water

2.- Viento 2 .- Wind

3.- Calor (fuego) 3 .- Heat (fire)

Estos tres elementos son los necesarios para que se produzcan cambios, para que exista movimiento. These three elements are necessary to bring changes, therefore movement. Los cambios y el movimiento son la expresión misma de la naturaleza, de lo normal, pero al manifestarse en Eyiogbe significa que serán potencialmente mayores en cantidad y en calidad; por lo que a pesar de ser elementos necesarios para el movimiento y los cambios, el hecho de que manifiesten bruscamente propicia: Temblores, Terremotos, Erupciones Volcánicas, Tornados, Huracanes.... Changes and movement are the very embodiment of nature, of normality, but manifested in Eyiogbe would mean they are potentially greater in quantity and quality so, despite being elements necessary for movement and change, that favors sharply: Earthquakes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes ....

El motivo principal de este incremento en la actividad de estos elementos es que paradójicamente en años anteriores no ha habido el movimiento suficiente para liberar principalmente la energía del magma y de la superposición de las placas tectónicas. The main reason for this increase in activity of these elements is that, paradoxically, in previous years there has not been enough movement to free energy mainly magma and tectonic plates overlap. De manera que al igual que el año pasado será muy común y frecuente saber de erupciones volcánicas de todo tipo de nivel alrededor del orbe, de terremotos en lugares donde casi nuca tiembla y en lugares donde tiembla mucho, mayor actividad pluvial. So, as last year, there will be very common and frequent volcanic eruptions at all grade levels around the world, earthquakes in places where it almost never shakes and trembles in far places plus greater storm activity eather snow and water.

Afortunadamente la sombra de este eclipse no tocará a América, sin embargo lo que suceda en la otra parte del mundo de cualquier manera afectará a nuestras vulnerables economías. Fortunately the shadow of the eclipse will not play in America, but what happens on the other side of the world in a way affects our vulnerable economies.


Todo lo que decidiste dejar y desechar emocionalmente con el eclipse de luna pasado, todo lo que decidiste desechar con el cambio de año. Everything you decide to leave and discard emotionally with the last lunar eclipse, all of you decided to discard the new year. And then,Ahora ACTUA para liberarte en mente y en hechos, de todo aquello que te sobra, que es superfluo. ACT now to get free in mind and deed, everything that you left over, which is superfluous, so the effect will be positive using this solar eclipse.

Best Regards

Ricardo OggundaKete

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

2011 Predictions, repetition of BABA EYIOGBE

Hello everyone.

Each new year, we received hundreds of good wishes and thoughts for the new cycle, many are common, others we know are full of great intentions. Do not miss the opportunity to do the same and wish you and yours a year filled with peace, health, love and good fortune to your home and family.

Again, following an annual custom, in the early days of this 2011 are published and appear different predictions of the Year in several countries and even iles (Santeria religious houses). And again I share my thinking that this phenomenon always confusing, especially the aleyos (just started in santeria) and persons who have little knowledge of our religion, because it is assumed that those predictions or "letras" must have a universal meanning and yet sometimes both the signs and the prophecies are very different in each place. The logical question is: Is not there a letter that is Universal?. My answer is that I think so.

The antagonisms between groups have even comparing prophecies to prove who has more veracity. Finally, the fact is that since 2009 it seems that Orunmila (prophetic deity) so tired of divergence and decided to give very similar signs to different groups of priests, and now I know that this was an invitation to teach for a lot division may exist, the pursuit of a unification Granted, there is the 'word of Orunmila' does not fall to the floor (the prophecies are fulfilled) and as a reminder that we must avoid such comparisons and disputes.

So in 2010 the message was clear: Work for the unification and the common organization of all, but once ended that cycle for nature, for IFA (Yoruba theology) for Orunmila, it's time to start a new lesson. And that lesson has to do with last year closely. In other words, what will happen this year is fully supported by what happened in 2010.

Express regret but in light of how easy we must deduce that the lesson was not understood by most and therefore more predictions now appear different, more divisions and splits in families of blood, marriage, family, religious, political groups, groups , associations, etc. In 2010 the prophecy Eyiogbe invited us to work for unity and now we are very divided and therefore disqualified.

Don Miguel Felbles Padrón
Odika Babalawo

Each year I repeat the message that I personally support the predictions of the house loceated in 10 de Octubre house in La Havana: "Organising Committee for the Letter of the Year Odi Ka Miguel Febles Padrón (Cuba)", to discern what will happen to our planet on a personal level local and international, but I urge every religious and initiated during the first weeks of the year, go to a higher priest place (godfather, godmother) to have a record in order to acquire their 'Personal Letter of the Year. I also reiterate that, as never before, the general public will also know all kinds of predictions, so I invite you again having a 'open heart' to the messages and signals that can be identified.

Why are the predictions of this house and not the Association or of each country?

For many reasons, first the House of 10 de Octubre and the Commission for the Letter of the Year "Miguel Febles" is now the group has more time doing these ceremonies from 26 years ago. On the other hand, there are represented the spiritualities of almost all those initiated in Cuba, or currently reside on the island. In addition, because the approach I have seen of that group is universal, while the letters of each country or group, more specifically confined to that group, and therefore are valuable but reflect a more local than global.

This 2011, IFA (Santeria religious theology, based on binary math) is marked again with the repetition of the Oddun (sign or design) from last year: Eyiogbe.This means that for the first time in many years may repeat the same letter or predicting two consecutive years. The prophecy says: Ire Siguayú Oyale Tesi Yemaya (incomplete but a steady progress at the foot of Yemaya)

What are the odds that out of 256 different signs different in two consecutive years repeat the same sign?. They are very remote, especially when you know the mechanics to get the sign, but that statistic this year happened. I invite you to call us that our attention, just as would happen if the car started flashing indicators, oil temperature, gas, etc. simultaneously. Something is happening and is vital to understand why.

The next question is: how IFA prophesies IRE (blessing or good fortune) when we experiencing the worst economic crisis for many years?. How IRE, when much of the population in Cuba and the world lives with helplessness, despair and very little motivation?. How is talk of a firm if what is lived is a complete uncertainty?. As talk of good fortune when the global world are showing painful and profound changes?

As I said it happens the repeatition of the letter or prophetic sign last year and therefore I must repeat a little what I said in 2010:

IFA invites us to reconsider this prophecy about the firm to which we can access (does not mean you have right now, but you have to work fot it) from Eyiogbe events involved in the whole world. IFA relates a story in which IRE (Good fortune) and Osorbo (bad luck) came to visit Orunmila for consultation, outlining: IRE came ire and OSORBO came Osorbo (the lucky fortune came with good luck, and the unfortunate came with problems), both were to consult with IFA and leaving the IRE found it unnecessary to do the ebo (sacrifice) that had marked Orunmila while Osorbo did it (the unfortunate wanted to change his fate, while the happy thought that luck would follow.) So shortly after Osorbo become Ire and IRE become osorbo. This reference I like it because many believe that by simply being IRE, and the prophecy is granted and being Osorbo, similarly doomed. Very wrong to think so. So if the prophecy is that this IRE in fact on closer inspection is very important to understand that this condition is manifest from Oddun Eyiogbe, and through common sense can work toward prophecy.

Therefore the same letter, with different prophecies in two consecutive years worldwide. This means quite simply that the manner in which we will live Eyiogbe from 2011 is different than we experienced in 2010, but maintains the same energy condition in general. The 2010 Eyiogbe invited us to seek health through introspection, spiritual growth, humility, organization of habits and ideas, I mean by taking CHANGES in all directions. The consequence of not doing separations involved, bad decisions, losses in either direction.

As in the past year IRE Prophecy speaks of events derived from Eyiogbe will drive change and improvement (changes will be strong) all that implies Siguayu (firmly). Small events large and far-reaching, will bring an approach to Ire Siwayu in Cuba and around the world.

Again I remember that Eyiogbe means double talk, double event, double talk, double separation, and so on. Therefore the repeat in this year means that the 'double' of prophecy is part of 2 consecutive years but separated. Eyiogbe means two parallel roads that go to the same destination, but separated, therefore it can be translated as two years with conditions and side events that lead to the same destination but will not be mixed, so this year is becoming rather an effect of ' mirror 'the last one. In other words, changes that we proposed or presented to us in 2010 might have been well or poorly drawn, and the consequence of the acts of 2010 for better or for worse, will be reflected in 2011. In 2011 we will reap what we sow in 2010.

In 2010 the regents were Obatala energy with Oya and these changed in 2011 by Oggun and Oshun. In 2010 the prophecy was Ariku (search for health) and now in 2011 is Siguayu (search firm). Is the repeat of the same energy vibration, but with different prophecies (objectives to follow).

In 2010 the pursuit of health involved deal with change and organize our goals and objectives from an internal change. Involves working for change and accept the difficulties. Involving become with more humility, honesty, consistency in order to safeguard our family, and group integration.

Now in 2011, involves search firm to complete the cycles, put beyond the burdens of the past (bad habits, bad company, bad decisions, etc) and ensure a proper collection or harvest the fruits of the changes.

If sown in 2010, a resistant to change in 2011 will reap unsteadiness on different aspects of your life.

If in 2010, you sown DETACHMENT AND SEARCH THE INTERNAL GROUTH, in 2011 you might achieve stability on different aspects of your life.

This can give us a sense that those who did nothing last year, it will be difficult this year. Nothing more certain, but the chance of prophecy allows those who start these changes now have a whole semester to catch up on the task of change and growth to maturity. Therefore, despite the pessimistic of these lines, the important thing is to accept the challenge of making changes.

Generally during the first half of the socio-economic conditions will not change again towards the improvement and at the best scene will remain stable, although it is more likely to present a worsening of the debt and lack of money. This year will be known internationally for the death of a leader of great controversy and that the event even will peleased his own people (this is an event pending from 2010). Also know the term or death of more heads of organized crime. There will be many deaths in the public environment (artistic, political, sports).

Climatologically will manifest severe storms that cause flooding spectacular port cities, but now the floods will be more frequently in the mouths of rivers to the sea. Also will manifest avalanches in different locations.

Tracking the movement of tectonic plates that are fostering a very strong energy underground, unfortunately continues to accumulate that energy in the Cocos plate, as expected for the earthquake in Mexico City this year seems unavoidable. The same will hapend to California.

For the general public today as I recommend that you make an effort to arrange, your life, clarify ideas and plans. To clean up what does not work or is not used, take good care of the head. Any injury or head injury is warning us of a mayor problem.Wear much white color on clothes, avoid panic, paranoia and despair to find dramatic news.

We already saw in 2010 Eyiogbe, a great number of separations of couples and families. Unfortunately this trend will continue in 2011 so it is important to evaluate the family situation in order to avoid possible problems detonating in that kind of decision.

Also in 2010 we saw the changes of 'heads' on organizations of all kinds, whether by death, resignation, illness, etc.This trend will continue in 2011 even in those organizations or groups where the change was made on the head or leader is sure to be presented again in positions who have happened in 2010.

From the religious point of view, I recommend that those who have any outstanding debt or ceremony, seeks to do before the end of the first half of the year, so that in the second half may benefit by the changes.

Again the first half and never will be the manifestation of great struggle between saints and eggun (spirit world). It will show a lot of clashes between IFA and Palo. Like last year, people will talk about work against this or that and very direct confrontations.This will cause the loss of several religious heads, new heads will reclaim its place, although it will be too late to verify if this will be beneficial or not, again depends on the experience of Eyiogbe there.

During this year (from Hidalgo), before the six-year term in Mexico, the government will released a lot of money for projects and budgets, will substantially increase employment and purchasing power partially recovered, but this effect might not become quite tangible for regular people.

Again announced cabinet changes and direction that will now be a result of the dispute for power groups. Continue within the heart of political parties, lots of conspiracies that foster divisions and as a result later this year will release highly sensitive information that can end the politics of a group of people, plus a national character will lose all credibility to society.(This is planned for 2010, was not entirely resolved in that year, so surely be revealed in mid-2011)

Globally, there will be major changes in U.S. policy internally and externally. The phenomenon of Wikileaks will continue to reveal sensitive information, but other actors also foster the shocking disclosure.

There is now a clear risk of rupture or separation of diplomatic policies in Asia and the Middle East. The next partial solar eclipse of January 4 'touch' with his shadow for many countries and it is important to stress that the tendency to contain clashes in the region of the planet.

Again I am, like last year my invitation to "doing homework", and address changes with awareness and humility.

I hope this information is helpful and reflection.

Awo ni Orunmila Oggunda Kete